Have I got a story for you!!!
This weekend I went to a conference. Like I flew on a plane. Twice. And you KNOW what happens to me when I fly!! Well, some of you don’t, so let me tell you what happens. When I fly I am calm. I am not nervous. Then, the plane begins its decent to land. Out of ***nowhere*** my body FREAKS out. I can’t control it. All the sudden I am sweating. I can’t breathe. I become SUPER nauseous. Next I burst into tears, crying uncontrollably. Then I start throwing up. (Crying and throwing up at the same time is pretty impressive of me, I know. What can I say, I AM amazing.) I have even peed my pants, passed out, and been taken by ambulance from the runway to the hospital. Lots of fun.
Above: In Houston this weekend.
So back to this weekend. And I know what you’re thinking, “Kelly, how can you KEEP flying, when you have such terrible panic attacks?!” It’s because I don’t fly very often. I compare it to having a baby. You know how when you’re in labor, you’re like, “I am NEVER doing this again!!!!” And then time goes by, and you forget how awful it was, and you have another baby. That’s me and flying. If I had to fly every month or even every other month, I’d be like, no way.
Anyway, it was Friday (just three days ago), and I had taken a bajillion GABA and 10mg of melatonin before boarding the plane to Houston. Maybe THIS time it won’t happen, I prayed.
But. It. Did.
It wasn’t a level 10 panic attack, like it was last summer, but it was way up there. I’d say it was a level 7 out of 10.
There was public vomiting. It was embarrassing. I couldn’t shake the nausea, the sweating, the trouble breathing, even after I got off the plane. But by evening I finally felt better, and I had a good time in Houston.
Yesterday I had to get on the plane to come back home to Southern California. I’m not gonna lie: I strongly considered dumping my plane ticket and driving 1,517 miles (22 hours) home. But I had a new supplement to try, and apparently I AM a science experiment.
Before I even put my seatbelt on I started to sweat. I felt the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. ***Oh no.*** We haven’t even taken off yet. This is NOT good.
I had put the supplement, a bottle of CBD oil (without THC) into my purse to take on the plane. I took the bottle out and put two pumps under my tongue, where the oil could get into my bloodstream lightening fast. I held the oil under my tongue and waited, praying.
Within five minutes I stopped sweating and feeling nauseous.
My panic attack went away. (Whaaaaatt???) I could hardly believe it. But the landing, the time that NEVER fails to send me into the worst panic attack imaginable, was still to come.
When the captain announced that we were beginning our descent, I got my CBD oil out again. I pumped it under my tongue and held it there. And do you know what happened to me???
NOTHING. Zero. Nada. Zilch. I was simply cool as a cucumber.
I am SO blown away. I can still hardly believe it. This is life-changing!!! There are so many places I’ve always wanted to go, but never intended to because of my attacks. Now it’s on. Australia… here I come. Hawaii… oh yeah. Italy… yes please.
I’m so incredibly grateful for this supplement, this GIFT. And from what I google, panic attacks are not the only thing people are using CBD oil for. So go on, google any illness and CBD oil. You’re going to flip. This is THE next big thing in health. Like coconut oil, big. Just wait.
I order it HERE.
Lots of love!!!!!
Natalie says
Sadly, I did not notice any difference taking CBD oil, which I mainly got for insomnia, though would have appreciated an improvement in any of my numerous symptoms, including nausea from gastritis. It does, however, improve my dog’s fear of other dogs, which is a PTSD-like reaction having been attacked by other dogs a few times in a short period of time when he was younger. Other vets use it in older dogs for numerous symptoms, as well.
Becky says
This is very intriguing as I also suffer from panic attacks that arise out of no where.