Recently, my friend, Lexi, has been making yogurt and frozen yogurt. I’m sure it’s fabulous, like everything Lexi makes. Then, a few days after I saw Lexi’s posts, another friend mentioned to me that Tuesday Morning (a discount store) had some yogurt makers in. Hmm… Sure enough, Tuesday Morning had these marked down to just…
Road-Trip Must-Haves :-)
Last week on our road trip to Salt Lake City and back, there were two products that were so great to have with us, that I wanted to share them with you. One is Fiona’s, Strawberry Mango Quinoa Crunch, and the other is Enjoy Life, Mountain Mambo & Beach Bash, Nut FreeTail Mixes. Fiona, from…
Salt Lake City Library, Vasuvio’s Organic Gourmet Cafe & Whole Foods
At the hotel pool the other night, while Andy was at the book publishing conference, the girls and I met two other little girls and their parents. They were staying here temporarily because their house smelled terribly from the oil spill here, at Liberty Park. We talked by the pool and they suggested some places…
Salt Lake City Farmers Market Love
There was a sense I had about Salt Lake City, from the beginning. But I couldn’t safely confirm my observation without spending some more time here. After hours today at the farmers market I am officially going to say: There is a huge chunk of Boulderitis (yes, I just made that word up) going on…
Mango smoothie we made in our hotel:
First full day in Salt Lake City
Yesterday, as you know, we drove the rest of the way to Salt Lake City, Utah. We checked in early at our hotel, and were thrilled to see how nice it is. Our one bedroom suite has a big open kitchen and dining area with upgraded kitchen cabinets, granite counter tops, tile floor and stainless…
Wyoming this morning
This is where I am right now: Main Street Artisans Cafe & Gallery, in Evanston, Wyoming. We ate my Chocolate Raspberry Cookie Bars in the car for breakfast, after leaving the hotel at 8 this morning, and stopped here for coffee and juice. Just before we got here, we saw these: About a hundred wind…
My grandmother’s English Muffin Pizzas… first thing I cooked
An hour or two ago, I was on Twitter and saw people asking Shauna of Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef when their posts were due. The answer is, they are due tonight. Shauna’s theme for her roundup is, “First Thing I Cooked”. I thought that was such a sweet concept, first foods we made, and…
Salad with Creamy Honey Dijon gluten-free, dairy-free
What’s the weather like where you are? And while we’re at it—where are you? Here in the Longmont, Colorado we have been having hot then not so hot, as usual. 😉 Around here they say, if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes, it’ll change. And so it’s been for a week or two…
Easy Broccoli Casserole, egg-free, dairy-free, gluten-free
I’ve been wanting to develop an egg-free and grain-free casserole lately. Now before you say, “But there’s corn in there!” I know. Corn is a grain. I happened to get some fresh corn in the husk in my Door to Door Organics box today, so I added it to this casserole. In the future I…