We arrived here Monday afternoon, after five days of traveling across the country. From our home in Longmont, CO we drove to Omaha, NE. Day two we drove to just outside Chicago. Next we drove to Erie. We stayed in Erie for a day and went to the Splash Lagoon (phenomenal) before driving to Lake…
Chai Paleo Granola
You may have heard me saying how we’re getting ready for a road trip. We are so excited. Most of Andy’s family lives near the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York, and they have a family cabin on Lake George. Andy, Zoe, Ashley, our dog, Cherry, and I are driving to the cabin on the…
Plum or Nectarine Smoothies, dairy-free
We made more smoothies like the ones I mentioned on the Spunky Coconut Facebook Page yesterday, and they were so pretty I had to take a picture I don’t measure exactly, but I made enough to fill my blender to the top line. Here are my ingredients: Add to blender: 2 plums or nectarines,…
Tapioca Pudding (dairy-free, vegan)
I’m so excited to do another giveaway for iHerb! I just love giving you free stuff Here’s how this one works: iHerb offered me $25 worth of complimentary products, which I also get to give away to two of my readers. Yay! So I chose ingredients that I thought you (and I) would enjoy,…
Oh, I am so excited to share this recipe with you! It’s my best dairy free yogurt recipe yet. It’s thick, creamy, and tangy too. I wish you could taste some right now You may remember I said that I had been told by friends that you can just open up your probiotic capsules…
Spaghetti Leonardo
Do you ever feel so uninspired to make dinner? I do. Baking comes naturally to me, but main dishes I really have to work at. That’s okay though, because sometimes we have salad and cake or pie for dinner And you know the kind of ingredients in my cakes and pies—super healthy. High protein,…
Yogurt Making Supplies
Recently, my friend, Lexi, has been making yogurt and frozen yogurt. I’m sure it’s fabulous, like everything Lexi makes. Then, a few days after I saw Lexi’s posts, another friend mentioned to me that Tuesday Morning (a discount store) had some yogurt makers in. Hmm… Sure enough, Tuesday Morning had these marked down to just…
Road-Trip Must-Haves :-)
Last week on our road trip to Salt Lake City and back, there were two products that were so great to have with us, that I wanted to share them with you. One is Fiona’s, Strawberry Mango Quinoa Crunch, and the other is Enjoy Life, Mountain Mambo & Beach Bash, Nut FreeTail Mixes. Fiona, from…
Salt Lake City Library, Vasuvio’s Organic Gourmet Cafe & Whole Foods
At the hotel pool the other night, while Andy was at the book publishing conference, the girls and I met two other little girls and their parents. They were staying here temporarily because their house smelled terribly from the oil spill here, at Liberty Park. We talked by the pool and they suggested some places…
Salt Lake City Farmers Market Love
There was a sense I had about Salt Lake City, from the beginning. But I couldn’t safely confirm my observation without spending some more time here. After hours today at the farmers market I am officially going to say: There is a huge chunk of Boulderitis (yes, I just made that word up) going on…